2015-03-30 17:22:31 UTC
I have created a query that will result in many duplicate listings. The ID number, however is different on each listing. I only want the query to show the record of each company that has the largest id number.
Turn this:
ID -- Company
1213 -- Comp1
1212 -- Comp3
1211 -- Comp1
1210 -- Comp1
1209 -- Comp7
1208 -- Comp3
To this:
ID -- Company
1213 -- Comp1
1212 -- Comp3
1209 -- Comp7
Thanks in advance for your help,
Turn this:
ID -- Company
1213 -- Comp1
1212 -- Comp3
1211 -- Comp1
1210 -- Comp1
1209 -- Comp7
1208 -- Comp3
To this:
ID -- Company
1213 -- Comp1
1212 -- Comp3
1209 -- Comp7
Thanks in advance for your help,